The event exactly started at 1:30 P.M., though the registration happened around 11:30 in the morning. The program started with a mass and the during the homily of the priest, father reminded us the importance of family and that we should cherish our moments with them and be thankful that they're here in our lives. After the mass has ended, we prepared for our dance and while we were waiting for our turn to present, we cheered for the other levels. Afterwards, the presentations from all grade levels ended at near 4:30 in the afternoon, then it was time for the "Hot mama and hot papa" from the elementary levels. It was fun seeing the parents and the graders who really did supported the parents that represented their grade level. Later on, after the "Hot mama and hot papa", there was raffle draws and some students won laundry and grocery things provided by the PTA people. Around 6 we had our dinner but I was nervous since after dinner, it was time for the "I got it from my mama. I got it from my papa" and my family was the representative of our grade level. I sang together with my mother and danced with my mom and my younger brother. Sadly, we only got 3rd place but it was okay since we know that we did our best and my friends still congratulated us.